CONVERSATION WITH…The Old Woman in the Shoe…Holding Onto Her Sensuality

Over the Hill on the Yellow Brick Road, around Valentine’s Day, I started thinking about ways I might continue to rekindle my sensual feelings as I grow older. I decided to discuss it with The Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe, from the Nursery Rhyme. She had so many kids she didn’t know what to do. I figured she might have a lot to say on the subject. I’d met her once before, and at that time she mentioned she was an empty nester. So when I stopped by her shoe to chat a second time, we got right into our conversation…

#1 woman in shoe

So, Woman in the Shoe, I’ll be frank. After giving birth to 3,103 children with your various husbands and partners, I imagine you’ve had an incredible variety of intimate and romantic experiences.

WOMAN IN SHOE:  To say the least.

But now that all your kids are adults and you’re growing older, what’s happened to your sensuality?

WOMAN IN SHOE:  It’s still there.

But is it harder to find that part of yourself?

WOMAN IN SHOE:  No, because I’m bringing it out in a different way. I’m drawing on my repressed teenage years.

What do you mean?

WOMAN IN SHOE:  Well, back when I was a teenager, my parents were ridiculously strict when it came to boys and dating.


WOMAN IN SHOE: When I was fifteen, I was over-the-top excited because a boy asked me on a date.

I remember how that felt! 

WOMAN IN SHOE: But my batshit crazy parents wouldn’t let me go. They said I couldn’t date until I was less “boy crazy.”

Are you serious?

WOMAN IN SHOE:  It gets worse. When I was seventeen and finally had a boyfriend, my parents made it clear if I went to the park with a boy, I’d get pregnant. Pregnancy was also very likely if I went to the mall with a boy,  a restaurant, hiking, the library, a football game, or bowling.  In fact, if I looked at a boy, there was a good chance I’d conceive.

I’m speechless.

WOMAN IN SHOE: So then! When I turned eighteen and escaped from my parent’s loony bin, I went to town! I went anywhere and everywhere with boys from all over the world. Any kind of romantic or intimate moment you can imagine, I had. For years and years and years.

So that’s how you ended up with all those kids.


Okay, but how about NOW? Your kids are adults and you’re getting older. How do you rekindle those sensual moments at this point in your life?

WOMAN IN SHOE: I’m still filling  in the gaps after living in my parent’s prison. When I was a teenager, my parents didn’t allow me to go steady. So, my current husband just gave me his ID bracelet.  For the first time in my life, I’m going steady.


WOMAN IN SHOE:  I highly recommend it in older age. I mean, my wedding ring represents a warm and familiar stability. But my ID bracelet is kinda hot.

When I was a teenager, my parents wouldn’t allow me to pierce my ears. Maybe after all these years, I’ll do it and buy myself a pair of elegant, dangling earrings.

WOMAN IN SHOE: I’ll take a pair too.


How do you hold onto your sensuality?

31 thoughts on “CONVERSATION WITH…The Old Woman in the Shoe…Holding Onto Her Sensuality

  1. I guess this is more a question for the ladies, but in my opinion you have to want to be sensual. If you don’t want it or keep telling yourself you aren’t sensual, then you’ve already lost. Don’t let old age, weight gain, etc. hold you back. Remenber, to us guys, you are still the sexiest creatures alive, so open up your mind and let your fantasies unwind. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It takes more ‘work’ for me as I age, but it is possible to still have it. I loved Walt’s comment. My husband still thinks I’m hot even though my body has yielded to gravity and added a few lumpy handholds over the years. It doesn’t hurt to use fantasy and erotic literature to move things along, too. I find the thoughts aren’t there naturally so I need to infuse some from the outside. Definitely never give up!


  3. This reminds me so much of the conversation Amy Tan had with her mom that writes about in her book, “The Opposite of Fate.” Essentially, her mom tells her that if she goes out with a boy, she’ll kiss, then go farther, then get pregnant and leave the baby in a trash can, get caught, and go to jail. So the moral is, don’t date and you won’t go to jail!
    But seriously, I think a lot of us women “of a certain age” are wondering how to hang on to our sensuality. Maybe I’ll ask for an ID bracelet for my birthday this year!


  4. The lady in the shoe is so smart. She doesn’t even need to do anything to pep up her sensuality. The way she weaves magic with words should do the trick. 😉
    ID bracelet, dangling earrings, she seems to be sorted. 🙂


  5. I think a lot of girls want to escape the restrictions of home. Parents are naturally afraid of their daughters bringing home surprises, and so they try to “imprison” them, which makes them more desperate to escape. It’s a dilemma that hasn’t changed much since the days of the old woman in her shoe with all those kids.


  6. I wasn’t allowed to have dangly earrings or pierced ears either and when I had my second child, my mum gave me a little money to spend on myself for my birthday. I couldn’t think what to do with it when my friend, whose 9 year old daughter was just about to have her ears pierced, suggested I had mine done too! I have to admit it felt exceedingly rebellious and I grinned to myself all the way home, despite the excruciating pain in my left ear!


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